Sunday, September 14, 2008


hey, it has been quite some time having fun in the semester. What I really didn't notice was that the finals is coming!!!! What am I to do if I am not oprepared an unable to perform well?? My mum and dad is totally going to kill me when they see my bad results. the worst part is seeing them cry due to our failure.

The thing to remember is to stay calm and spend more time on studying and revising all the work. it will take some time but it is for a bright future in the end. Making your way slowly and one at a time will make us better at it without raelizing that we are able to endure the finals in a proper way.

The thing is, it is never too late to change our ways to study and prepare. It depends on whether we are willing to change for the future or not. A little effort in life may make a big difference to a person's life. If you are good at it, make it better. When you are better, make it to be the best. :)

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