Sunday, August 24, 2008

Government wants to tax fat people???

What if there really was an issue that the government wanted to tax people who are fat?? How would you react? Or heavier consequences such as jailing those who are fat for life until the at not at the range of fat by the society? It would be disastrous. It's as if the government wants us to be thin and be like a thin model for runways or something. It is just to horrible to think of!!!

Whether or not it will be done, it is stilljust a simple issue i brought up. no offenses from anyone. Make sure to jail me if such were to happen in our country because I brought up the case to all of you. maybe taxing thin people would also be nice since they are not eating enough amount of food for their bodies. Even their amount of meat and fat in their body looks like it is dried up in the dessert for no reason since our country isn't a dessert.

Just a little something to kick start your day while reading this blogspot. Enjoy your view and readings throughout the whole blog. :)

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